Our Services
How long is a session?
Our craniosacral sessions will range from 60 - 90 minutes depending on what each client needs. The initial appointment is ideally 90 minutes to have a thorough session with time for questions and feedback.
Ongoing session times can be determined by the client and practioner.
60-minute session $145
75-minute session $165
90-minute session $185
Please wear loose, comfortable clothing. Sessions can be very relaxing yet bring a big shift in the cranium. Please plan some quiet time for yourself after your session.
How can we help you?
Jennifer has specialized in head and neck trauma for 20+ years. Craniosacral work has helped many clients with these symptoms: vertigo, headaches, jaw pain, tinnitus, sinus pressure, and concussion symptoms including dizziness, sensitivity to sound and light.
Craniosacral work with the pelvis can help with back pain, pelvic pain during pregnancy, post labor and delivery, hip and sciatic pain.
What is Craniosacral Work?
Craniosacral work comes from William Garner Sutherland who was an osteopathic doctor, practicing cranial osteopathy in the late 1800’s.
Craniosacral work helps to treat the 22 cranial bones, spine, sacrum, pelvis, brain, cerebral spinal fluid, and the central nervous system.
Craniosacral work not only affects the physical body, it can help release emotional trauma as well as mental stress. Even though this work can be very therapeutic, it is important to know this is not psychotherapy.